Must Have App to Map Your Travels w/

“Visited Travel App”

A must have app to track your travels around the World! This app is available on Apple and Android devices. I use this free version that many options included but you can pay extra for few items to track exact cities, certain regions and remove ads. The free version allows you to track countries, regions in Canada and all the States in the US.

Tracking Features:

  • Countries
  • Cities
  • Where You Want to Go
  • National Parks
  • Adventures
  • Architecture
  • Arts
  • Cruise Ports
  • History
  • Inspiration
  • Experiences
  • Many, Many, More Categories

You can view your progress of how many countries you’ve been too, along with US States and other lists from above. It has interactive maps and is very user friendly. A must download app to track your US and world travels!

Apple Store Download                App on Google Play


Safe Travels from Your Tour Host, Daniel Cope