FAQ: Where is the best place to sit on an airplane?

FAQ: Where is the best place to sit on an airplane?

Hi everyone, Daniel Cope here with Extraordinary World Travels. I am back again today for another quick FAQ. A big question I get when I travel is where is your favorite seat on the airplane? Now I’m kind of different than most because I do like going towards...
Template Around the World News – 7/9/2022

Template Around the World News – 7/9/2022

🌎 Venice Plans to Start Weeding Out Cheap Tourists with 1 Day Fees Venice, Italy is trying to control number of guests who just go into the city for one day visits. They are hoping that this will free up some space and make it easier for guests who visit for days at a...
Around the World News – 7/2/22

Around the World News – 7/2/22

🌎 Italy Drops Remaining Pandemic-Era Entry Requirements Finally!!! Italy had alot of requirements when wanting to travel into the country but now they will be opening up for the summer season. We are looking forward to go to Italy in the next year. If need help...
Around the World News – 6/25/22

Around the World News – 6/25/22

Around the World 1.   South Africa drops all Covid restrictions! Another country opens up and we are getting back to normal travels again more and more around the world. Read the full article here with Travel Weekly 2.   Europe will be adding a small visitor fee in...
Who is Dan Cope and What is a Tour Host? And Much More!

Who is Dan Cope and What is a Tour Host? And Much More!

Hey fellow travelers, Daniel Cope here with Extraordinary World Travels. I am your tour host which means I will be with you doing our custom and unique tours. I wanted to do this about me video so everyone can get to know me better and I’ll answer the top 5 questions...